Giving & Stewardship
None of the work we do at our church would be possible without God inspiring our people to give. Your generosity helps create a church where everyone feels welcomed, guided, and loved—a place where life-changing stories are written every week. On behalf of all those touched by these stories, thank you for giving from the heart.

I am a visitor. Am I expected to give?
During our services, we collect an offering as an act of worship—our way of expressing trust in the Lord and gratitude for His blessings. This is intended for our regular attendees, and as a guest, please feel no obligation to give.
Giving Is an Act of Worship and Devotion, a tangible way to express our gratitude and commitment to God and to the community we serve. It's not just about keeping the lights on or funding programs; it's about fueling a mission, making a difference, and leaving a lasting impact.
Join Us in Making a Difference Through the Gift of Giving
Ways to Give:
Offering Plate:
During worship, you can freely place your offering in the plate located at the back of the sanctuary.
Pledge Giving:
If you feel led to make a more intentional commitment as a member or Christian, fill out a pledge card available in the narthex and submit it to the church office. You will receive a box of personalized offering envelopes to use weekly.
Pledges are typically made at the end of the year, as members prayerfully commit to their total giving for the upcoming year. However, new members—or anyone—are welcome to begin pledging at any time.
A tithe, or giving one-tenth of your income to God, is a biblical standard of giving (e.g., Genesis 28:10-22). United Methodists encourage tithing as a goal to elevate your practice of generosity.
Special Relief Offerings:
Support humanitarian efforts through UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief), which aids those affected by disasters such as famine, hurricanes, war, and floods.
To support general relief: please write "Advance #999895" on your offering envelope.
For international disaster response: Advance #982450
For U.S. disaster response: Advance #901670
This is how we contribute to the broader ministries of the United Methodist Church. Apportionments allow us to collectively achieve global missions that individual churches cannot accomplish alone.
To designate your offering for apportionments, simply mark “Apportionments” on your envelope.
If you have any questions or need further guidance, feel free to reach out to the pastor or the Finance Committee.
Give by Mail : We welcome cash or check gifts by mail. 1327 Marshall Ave., South Milwaukee, WI 53172
Memorial Gifts: You may wish to honor your loved one’s legacy by directing memorial gifts to South Milwaukee UMC.
Volunteer Your Time: Money isn’t the only way to give. We have many serving opportunities at South Milwaukee UMC.